Saturday, August 24, 2013

In the 802...

The first weekend in August, we flew up to Vermont for a weekend of wedding festivities and fun!  Cousin Sarah was getting married to Dave and it was a great time for seeing family and celebrating!  We got in REALLY late on Friday night, but after a restful sleep and Bagel Market Saturday morning, we were ready for the wedding.
Nothing in NC has ANYTHING on the goodness of Bagel Market!

The ceremony was beautiful, as was the church.
St. Francis Xavier

Before the reception, we stopped by the local bar (CK's) for a quick glass of wine.

The reception was SO. MUCH. FUN!  There was a photo booth that probably has WAY too many pictures of me in it! 

We danced and danced and danced and I may have had a bit too much wine to drink!  The end of the night got a little blurry!  But it was still fun!

Sunday morning, I spent some time at Kevin's grandparents house with all 8 of their kids (including Kevin's mom, Aunt Marie from Miami, Aunt Jane from Colorado and Uncle Norman from Hawaii) and the MANY grandkids and great grandkids!  It was a packed house! 

Then Kevin's dad (who we were staying with) had his side of the family over for a late lunch get-together and Aunt Patti surprised us by coming up from Boston!

It was the most gorgeous weekend and I enjoyed all of the time I had to sit outside and soak up time with family!

We spent Sunday night with one last trip to Kevin's grandparent's house and then packed up and got in bed early for our 4:30am wake-up call to get on our flight by 6am.  Of course, we both hopped off the plane at 9:30am and went straight to work.  We never have enough time when we're in Vermont, good thing we'll be back in October!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Been awhile...

First I need to apologize for being away so long.  It's almost been a month and I can't really tell you where the time has gone.
I've been REALLY busy at work.  Which is awesome because it makes the days just fly by...and bad, because the days are just flying by; there's never enough time in the day!
Kevin's been traveling a ton for work and I've had my fair share of mini traumas from teeth issues to doctors appointments lately.  It's been a stressful month in many ways!

July 25th was Kevin's 28th birthday and although we kept it fairly low-key, it was great to celebrate my husband!  This is the first time in at least 2 years that we've been in the same state on his actual day of birth.  Normally he's been traveling for work.  Even though we agreed not to spend any money on each other for birthdays this year, I had to splurge a little bit and celebrate him...that's just love!
Happy Birthday Kevin!
Instead of going out to dinner, we got home from work, ran (because we're training for road races in November) and I picked up dinner from Noodles and Company (Kevin's choice) and a SURPRISE cake from Coldstone.  Kevin's favorite and he was so excited to spend a night in and indulge a bit!

As we were getting ready for bed on the 25th, my mama called frantically and was so upset that she had missed sending Kevin a card.  I passed the phone over so she could wish him a happy birthday.  I know it meant a lot to him, but it really made me realize for the first time since our wedding that he's her family too.  It just touched my heart so much!  And they wanted to take Kevin out to dinner to celebrate, so that weekend, the 4 of us celebrated at Kabuki in Cary.  It was so yummy!

Since I mentioned that we're training for races, I'll let you in on a bit of that.  I'm training for a 10K the first weekend in November.  It's the City of Oaks 10K in Raleigh and Kevin is going to run with me.  The following weekend, Kevin's running the Rock 'n' Roll Half-Marathon in Savannah, GA with some of his co-workers to support a co-worker's daughter, Alison, who's been diagnosed with Friedreich's Ataxia, a debilitating, life-shortening, degenerative neuro-muscular disorder.  It currently has no cure.  Kevin has a huge heart and as a member of his culture club at work, decided to run the race for Alison.  If you feel lead, we'd love your support as Kevin runs!  Otherwise, stay tuned to more info on the race.  I'll be tracking him as he runs so all who are interested can keep up with him during the race!