Thursday, August 27, 2015

Jamie's Pasta Salad

A dish that's so easy to make, and one I made this year for the 4th of July, is pasta salad!  My best friend Jamie has an awesome recipe.  I don't know what she calls it, but her version will forever be "Jamie's Pasta Salad".  It's great for a BBQ or picnic and it's so easy to make.

Summer's not over yet.  Try whipping this up for Labor Day weekend.  You won't be disappointed!

- 1 box of Multi-Colored spiral pasta
- 1 cucumber
- 1 package of pepperonis
- 1 package of cherry tomatoes
- 1 package of cheese-Cabot Seriously Sharp is THE BEST!
- 1 bottle of Italian dressing
- olives (optional, because guess who doesn't like them? Kevin!!)

1. Cook the pasta according to the directions on the box.  I like to do this at least a day before so it can chill in the fridge.

2. Cut the cheese into cubes.  Peel and cut cucumbers into fourths.  Cut pepperonis (or you can buy the mini ones).  Cut cherry tomatoes in fourths.

3. Combine all ingredients.

4. Mix and chill until ready to serve.  It's DELICIOUS!!

Monday, August 24, 2015

The 1st Ever, 6th Annual American Brew-A-Que

Well, July has come and gone but I never posted about this year's Brew-A-Que...and that cannot be.

This year we separated the Brew part from the Que part so that more people would be able to attend each part.  This was a great idea because we could enjoy ourselves at the brewery and not have to worry about having everything set up and ready at the house.

This year we toured Brueprint Brewing Company in Apex.

After sampling some from the bar, we were able to get a guided tour of the brewing area.

The day of the Brew-A-Que, we got ourselves and our house ready, hung the official banner and waited for friends to arrive.  About 30 minutes before party time the bottom fell out.  It poured so hard and the sign came crumbling!  Oh well!

Guests piled in the house, we started the grill, and we all filled up on the most delicious food!

After we all ate, it was time for the annual cornhole tournament.

We had a rain delay or two and the humidity was stifling, but we managed to finish the tournament and Undefetus came out with the win.

Presenting this year's Golden Hole to the cornhole champs.

But the day wasn't over...  After a few rounds of Phase 10, we headed off to Cary.  We got frozen yogurt at Waverly Place and then set up our chairs on the side of Kildaire to watch the fireworks at Koka Booth.

It was a great day!  Happy Birthday USA!