Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pumpkin Pretzels

Happy Halloween friends!
This week has been filled with Halloween festivities and events, many which called for me bringing treats!  I love this time of year!  October is almost over, November is upon us and that means Christmas is in the air!  Lots of parties and events are coming!  I found this recipe on Pinterest and just HAD to make some pumpkin pretzels this week!

Super easy!  Here we go!

1 bag of pretzels (they call for minis, but I just used the regular size)
1 bag of M&Ms (you only need the green ones!)
orange food coloring (I mixed my own color up and it wasn't as dark as I wanted, but it worked)
1 bag of white chocolate chips or white baking chocolate 10oz
1 tablespoon of shortening (I used Crisco)
wax paper

Melt the chocolate with the shortening in the microwave for 1 minute. (I just plopped the dollop of Crisco on top of the chocolate chips)
Heat for an additional minute.
Stir and add orange food coloring

Dunk the pretzels in the chocolate.  You have to just use your hands and go for it.

Place on the wax paper and immediately place your green M&M for the stem.

Let these cuties dry and enjoy!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Anniversary Preview

Today is our anniversary!  Happy 365 days of wedded bliss so far!  I'll share more about our celebrations later, but I wanted to leave you with a few shots from our photo session this weekend.  I absolutely love so many of them that I had a very hard time choosing which ones to preview!  We made it!  One down, forever to go!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Photo Anticipation

Ladies and gentlemen...we are exactly 8 days out from our First Anniversary.  WHAT??  Where in the world has the time gone?  This year has flown!

Because I must document every moment of life possible, I was planning on having Anniversary pictures made, but our wedding photographer moved to Boston shortly after our wedding.  So, I contacted a friend in our bible study who does great photography, but she was booked up until the end of October.  Then I contacted a lady in the Clayton area, that I've heard great things about and seen some cute shots from...and she wasn't available when we needed her either.  I was talking about it at work and my supervisor reminded me that she takes photos, so we're going with her!  And I can't wait!  I'm seriously consumed with Pinterest, finding the cute poses that we must have!  And daily, I'm obsessing over what to wear, etc.

My hope is to have a picture of us taken in the same spot every year, so we can see how much we've changed throughout the years.  Obviously, if we move, we'll have to find a new "spot" because I don't think we'll be traveling back to Raleigh every year on our Anniversary to make that happen, but for now, I want a designated "spot".  I suggested somewhere out at Yates Mill Pond, but I had never been out there, so last weekend, Kevin and I drove the 3 miles over and got out for a little "scouting" adventure.  It was fun just to walk around and talk about the poses we could do in the different locations around Yates Mill.  We even practiced a few (because I'm a nut)!

The anticipation is on!  I can't wait until next weekend so we can have our pictures made!

Here are a few of the shots we MUST get!

I'm praying for good weather and that the leaves have started changing!  I just want the photos to feel like fall!

Also this is a reminder that you have 8 days to get us a wedding gift if you forgot, haha.  TOTALLY KIDDING!  But it was the perfect segway to show you these sweet letters that our friend Dustin made for us.  He constructed these from scratch out of metal and welded them together.  An "E" for Ewing and a "B" for Brosseau or together "BE" or "EB".
I like "EB" because it makes me think of the tides, ebbing and flowing and how with work trips that take Kevin away from me, we always come back together.  I love it!  Thank you Dustin!