Saturday, September 28, 2013

Chicken and Rice (and cheese and broccoli) Casserole

Kevin's FAVORITE meal EVER.  This one is from his mom and I learned the recipe early-on in our relationship so I could keep my man happy.  I mentioned it here, but it takes so long to prepare, that we haven't made it in awhile...until Labor Day weekend.  When Kevin's in the mood for it, I know I'll have help in the kitchen to prepare it, so we gather up the ingredients and we get to work.  We also ALWAYS double the recipe because he can eat an entire casserole in the first sitting.  It's a little ridiculous.

Thank you to my mother-in-law for the recipe.  I don't know where it came from before then, but that part doesn't matter to me.  And it doesn't have a name.  Kevin says, "Can we make Chicken and Rice..." and I know exactly where he's going.  It's also probably not so healthy for you, but in our house, if it's good, we don't count calories, we just eat, so there's your warning.  Beware that it is delicious and if you do make it, you won't be sorry!

Ingredients (for a single casserole...I didn't double this part)
1 and one half sticks of butter
1 small onion
2 cans cream of mushroom soup
8oz Velveeta cheese (and we always add more because Kevin loves cheese)
2 cans milk (use soup cans)
1- 7oz package of minute rice (cook as directed)
2 packages of 10oz broccoli chopped
2 whole chicken breast

* Start with a clean kitchen and every single pot and pan that you may own, because this one will use them all!

In no particular order:
* Boil the chicken and cut into bite size pieces

* Chop the onion

* Cook the rice according to directions

* Cook broccoli according to directions

*Saute the onions with the butter and broccoli

*Cook the soup with the milk and cheese until melted (stir constantly on low to medium heat or it may burn)

*Finally, mix all ingredients together in a large casserole dish and bake at 350 for one to one and a half hours.  The top will look golden brown and yummy when it's finished baking!

*Then enjoy!  And get it fast because if Kevin's in the room, you'll blink and it will all be gone!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Officially Part of the Pack

I've been at NC State for 3 months now, which is just plain crazy!  And I've never worked so hard in my life!  Seriously!  I had about 2 months to get the hang of everything before classes started for Fall semester and then it was ON!  We had recruitment, to hire students to work for University Recreation, the first day of school and 662 people attended.  2/3s of those people submitted applications and I processed all of those and got them passed out to the different areas that were hiring.  That settled down a bit until the areas told me who they were hiring and then Orientation sessions started.  I've been working late almost every day and I feel guilty leaving work because there's always something pressing to do.
My office in the middle of Recruitment...a MESS!
On top of everything, I'm taking a class this semester.  It's free because I'm an employee at NCSU and using a tuition waiver.  And it's convenient because it's a Distance Education class, so I don't have an actual class to attend, I can do everything online.  But it's been TOUGH!  I'm taking Managerial Accounting, something I know nothing about since I've never had a business course.  And managing my assignment schedule with a full time job has been exhausting!  It has helped a bit that Kevin has been traveling so much for work.  I miss him so much, but I have lots of time alone, which has been turned into study time!

My co-workers are all on the young side, which makes things fun at work.  The strange thing is there's a group of singles...not all of them are from the area, most moved to Raleigh just for the job.  And they hang out together ALL THE TIME.  They spend time with each other every weekend.  And good for them!  I know I'd want a community like that if I moved here and knew no one, but it makes for awkward conversations when we're all sitting together at lunch and they're talking about times they've hung out together when some of us weren't invited.  It gets even stranger because some of those people are other's direct supervisors and they drink together in the evenings and on weekends.  Lines are definitely crossed in my opinion.  Regardless, it was during one of those strange lunch talks when I learned that everyone had been invited to the first State football game of the season, by our director, and they would be sitting in a box in Vaughn Towers.  My feelings were a little hurt, but I was told that people were invited in order of seniority, based on their start date at URec, so I didn't think much about it...until I learned that people who were hired after me, were attending as a plus one of others.  Still not a big deal because I know there are cliques, but I just wondered why I hadn't been asked.  (I later learned that I was the only person that hadn't been asked because all of the tickets were taken.)  Just a little punch in the gut, but what can you do?  The next day, the director came to me with a pair of tickets inviting me to the game.  I knew all the tickets were taken, so I verified that he wasn't offering me his tickets and he wasn't.  His boss was going to attend, but got invited to sit in the Chancellor's box, so the tickets were up for grabs.  Unfortunately, Kevin was returning from the Minnesota State Fair and was told he may have to travel to the Pittsburgh area that weekend, so I turned the tickets down.

When Kevin found out, he was upset because he didn't think it was likely he would have to go to Pittsburgh after all, and he wanted to go to the game.  Oh well, here I hadn't been asked at all and then when I was asked, I turned it down.  I'd made my bed and I'd have to lay in it!

Then I got an e-mail!!  Someone couldn't make the game and was giving up their tickets and the first to respond could have the tickets.  I quickly checked with Kevin and then e-mailed that Kevin would be in town, after all, and we'd like the tickets.  And they were ours!!!  YAY!

That long story to say that this is most likely the only time we'll sit in a box in Vaughn Towers.  Athletics gave us the box as a thank-you for something we, at URec, did...not sure the back story.  Anyway, one time only.  Co-workers were tailgating at 8am for a 12:30pm game and while we didn't rush to get there, we did stop by around 11am.  Then we walked over to Carter Finley and up to our box.  I really felt under-dressed, everything was so nice!  The game was awesome and we really enjoyed our time in the suite.

The band making some sweet patterns!
This is OUR STATE!
It was a fun afternoon and I can officially say: Go Pack!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Baby Anna's Shower

Mid-August, we hosted a baby shower for Heather and baby Anna, who's on her way.  I have to say that I didn't contribute much other than food, but Kaleena did an amazing job pulling everything together and making it a great day for Heather!  I know she was happy to have some girly things and lots of pink!

It was an enjoyable day, so gorgeous outside after a rainy weekend and we enjoyed relaxing and celebrating Heather.

Enjoy some photos from the day!
Blue Moon cake...yummy!

Some food

Decorations from cute!

Opening gifts!

The glowing mommy-to-be!

The ladies at the shower

Heather made her own chocolate covered pretzels.

The girls!

Saturday, September 7, 2013


So, life has been crazy lately, as I've shared many times.  So crazy, in fact, that I haven't had time to post as much as I'd like to.  I've shared about my luck before and how bad it is.  I swear at one point in my life I had the best luck ever...I think I remember that...  Lately, it's been one thing after another.  Perhaps this is a reflection on me, or maybe it's just what's going on now, but it's frustrating!

Like with any new job, there are forms that need to be filled out to get on payroll and sign up for benefits, etc.  Thankfully, I was told when I accepted my job, that because I had previously worked for State Government for 5+ years, that that time would carry over and I would pick up with the same retirement savings that I left with the state and that I would be able to earn a higher number of vacation hours each month because of my service years.  That was WONDERFUL news, but to actually get the accounts linked up was a nightmare.  Retirement finally linked up this past month and we're good on that front.  My vacation hasn't kicked in yet because apparently NCSU can't connect with the right people in State Government to verify that I have actually worked those years...even though my retirement account shows my years of service, but what do I know?  I'm still waiting!

Then there's the topic of benefits.  I just happened to attend Orientation with NCSU and sign up for benefits at the same time that NCSU was rolling from the NCFlex system to another online benefits system (because I have awesome luck).  This wasn't a problem except I had been in NCFlex when I was with State Government and it still remembered me in some ways, but not others.  I couldn't log in with my old NCFlex log-in, but it also wouldn't allow me to log-in with a new log-in because it knew me in the system.  I was on the phone with HR daily trying to figure everything out and they had to make special exceptions to get me into the system.  Then when the NCFlex system was rolling over to the new system, not all of the benefits I selected carried over, so there were many phone calls to get it all straight.  And it finally was straightened out.

One of those chosen benefits was health insurance.  I volunteered to receive medical insurance and actually chose the plan that I pay a premium for each month (automatically drafted out of my paycheck).  I have been to numerous doctors appointments lately (I'd rather not share what's going on, but there have been some expensive tests) and since my new insurance kicked in on July 1, I've been trying to get these doctor's offices/insurance to understand that not only do I have primary insurance with NCSU, but I'm covered under Kevin's health insurance and have secondary insurance with that.  It has been a nightmare to get this straightened out and they're both BCBS. 
First, all of the doctor's offices filed with Kevin's insurance and not mine because I didn't have my insurance card yet.  Then I had to call all of them and let them know that I had my own primary insurance, provide that policy number and ask them to re-file with my insurance first.  That happened (I think) and I began receiving EOBs that had a code denying my claims and saying I had another primary insurance (Kevin's) and couldn't be insured under my primary insurance.  I proceeded to call my primary insurance with NCSU and was told that Kevin's insurance is my primary insurance because I've been on his policy longer than I've been on my own policy.  This didn't make sense to me since my policy is only in my name, but I listened to what she said and waited for all of my EOBs to come back denied so I could call all of the offices and let them know that Kevin's insurance was my primary and start the cycle again. 
In the mean time, I can monitor my insurance online through the Blue Cross and Blue Shield website (P.S. I HATE THEM) and noticed at one point that Kevin's insurance disappeared from my account and was showing my old policy that I was covered under until this past April (his re-ups May 1).  So, I called them up (on a weekend, so they weren't open) and requested a callback for the following work week to straighten it out.  They called back and said I was still covered, they could see it on their end, but they didn't see my NCSU insurance, so they would connect the two policies on my account and THEN all claims could be re-filed and I would be good to go.  They also confirmed that my NCSU insurance is my primary insurance, because it is only in my name, and that a spousal rule applies...if I'm covered as a spouse, then that is automatically my secondary insurance, if I have another one in just my name.  Whew!  I wasn't crazy!  My insurance is my primary and Kevin's is my secondary.  Exactly what I thought from the beginning.  Everything was solved!  Hajaluliah! 
And then I went to the doctor this week and asked if they had heard anything because additional EOBs were coming in as denied.  The receptionist graciously called on my behalf and discovered that my primary insurance with NCSU had been cancelled.  WHAT?  The receptionist was told that NCSU had cancelled it and that I would need to call to verify.  So, as soon as I left the office, I called and I was told the same thing.  That NCSU sent BCBS a letter to terminate my insurance.  I explained that I had been covered since July 1 and had been getting EOBs, that I could see that policy on my online account until the week before when it disappeared AND that I'm currently paying for the policy (money is drafting out of my paycheck each month and has been since July 1).  They could only say "sorry, NCSU will have to submit a letter saying you're still active because they terminated you."  So..I called my HR reps, who know WAY too much about me now, and explained the situation.  They confirmed that they had NOT terminated me and I let them know that the day I was "terminated" was the same day I spoke with Kevin's insurance and the nice lady said she would link my two accounts and I'd be good to go.  Yeah, that "nice" lady apparently terminated me.  Who does that?  So, now it's all in HRs hands to provide documentation to re-instate me and I just have to wait.  No bills have been paid for since July 1 and they just keep rolling in!

This all just frustrates me and that's only one area where things are "messed" up in my life.  There are so many other things like this that just grate my nerves.  I swear, if you want something to fail, just put my name on it and it's bound to end up messed up in some way!

And for me, I'm trying to work on my rage and getting upset when these things happen!  It really rocks my world and sends me into a spiral.  I should be able to just let it roll of my back, but I feel like these things happen so often and linger for so long that I never get a break.  It really really frustrates me!  So, forgive me for not posting anything fun lately.  And if you see me and I just look pissed off and stressed out, there is a luck has still run out and I'm waiting for things to get straightened out!