Friday, November 28, 2014

Arizona Fun!!

How is it already the last week in November and the last time I posted was the first week in November?  That's crazy!  The days are just flying by!

I just wanted to stop by and share our trip to Arizona!  Kevin had to be in Phoenix for their state fair.  He was scheduled to be gone for 15 days.  That's over 2 weeks, so we decided I would fly in to see him so we wouldn't have to go so long without seeing each other.  The nice thing about the Phoenix fair is it's closed every Monday and Tuesday, so we had some "play" days.  The bad thing is it goes for a solid month.  Well, after we booked my trip to Arizona, Kevin's schedule got changed and he was only supposed to be in Arizona for 9 days and then he'd go to Minneapolis (again) for 6 days.  It didn't change my schedule, so I still flew in.

I left Raleigh on a Saturday afternoon and landed in Arizona Saturday evening REALLY late (like Midnight EST).  I was exhausted!  We ate dinner and I crashed!  Kevin had to work the fair on Sunday, so I got adjusted to the time difference, got some Accounting homework done and hung out around the house we were staying in until I had to pick the guys up from the fair that evening.
Hanging at the house on Sunday.

Monday morning, we woke up and drove 2 hours to Sedona and Red Rocks Country.  We stopped to get Starbucks on the way and saw the World's Largest Kokopelli!

Red Rocks Country is BEAUTIFUL!  We spent the morning checking out all the rock formations.

Bell Rock

Cathedral Rock

I really wanted to see this Chapel that's built into the rock, so we stopped there.  It was really pretty!

Finally, Snoopy's Belly Rock.
Can you see Snoopy?  Woodstock's just sitting on his nose!

We had lunch in Sedona at this great sandwich shop.  Then we drove over to Red Rock State Park, but didn't want to pay to go in, so we trekked back to Scottsdale.

We went out to buy pumpkins for carving before showering and getting ready for dinner.  Dinner was at Chino Bandidos, seriously one of the best places I've ever eaten in my life!  It's a total dive and is a mixture of Mexican food with Chinese food and Jamaican flavors thrown in.  Delish!
When we got back to the house, we carved our pumpkins...what's one to do when you're in Arizona October 27?
A killer gnome and a trio of pumpkins!
Tuesday morning we had plans: Climb Camelback Mountain, eat at House of Tricks in Tempe for lunch, go to Hole in the Rock, and then check out Pinnacle Peak (which was literally in our backyard in Scottsdale).  Well, we got to Camelback around 9:30am and started our climb.  3 hours later, and part of my soul left on the top of that mountain, we made it back to the bottom.
Maybe the most un-athletic person on the mountain!

The pictures don't do it justice!  It was only 1.42 miles to the top.  The first 0.6 miles were easy.  The next 3/4 mile was a double black diamond- straight incline up (while holding with a death grip onto a metal railing) and the rest was climbing over boulders (some the size of a car) to get to the top.  The part that pissed me off the most were the women and men just RUNNING up, like it was a walk in the park.  Some not even sweating.  We saw one lady 4 times because she climbed to the top and back twice during our ONE climbed to the top.  Makes me sick to even think about it!

I tried to add some pictures with other people in them for perspective.  Also, we're still smiling because I refused to cry until we got in the car!

When we were done, I was wiped out!  We had consumed the 4 bottles of water and two bottles of Gatorade that we took with us, plus snacks at the top and I was still too dehydrated to live.  I cried.  I didn't have the energy to decide on lunch.  Kevin helped me make my to-go plate at Sweet Tomatoes and we ate at the house and then I slept for about 3 hours.  Forget about House of Tricks, forget about Hole in the Rock and sweet Pinnacle Peak in our backyard.  I was wiped out!

When I woke, it was time to pack my bags and chill a bit before heading to dinner and then the airport.  And I was even more upset that Camelback had stolen my entire day.

The flight was late and long and didn't include much sleep.  What red-eye does?  When I finally got home, I worked frantically on an assignment that was due that morning and then crashed for the rest of the day.  It took about 2 weeks to recover from that trip.  The time change didn't help, nor did the dry atmosphere, but Camelback was the true culprit for stealing my joy!

Once again, it was a short trip, but it was nice to explore a new place and to see the hubby in the middle of his busy travel season!  If you ever get the chance, skip Camelback Mountain!  You'll be glad you did!

One last picture.  The setting sun behind the cacti was just beautiful.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Our Second Anniversary

Our second anniversary was 3 weeks ago.  Kevin and I both took the day off so we could be together.  I have to say, in the history of my work life, I've never taken a day off "just because".  It's always been because of an appointment or I'm sick or traveling somewhere that's planned.  Never just to have a day not at work.  It was magical...minus the fact that I had an accounting exam that morning.  It worked out though because Kevin needed to stop into work, so he did that while I took my exam and then it was a day for just us!

After my exam, I stopped by Krispy Kreme and brought the treats back home to deliver them to my hubby.  Knock, knock!  Krispy Kreme delivery! :)

Next it was time for gifts.  The second anniversary gift is cotton.  Kevin got me a monogrammed cotton robe.

I made him a blanket out of his old t-shirts!  I've been working on it for months- every weekend he's been away traveling for work.  A labor of love!

Then it was time to take a walk down memory lane!  We drove downtown for lunch.  Our first stop was Gravy for some ravioli.  Gravy was the spot of our rehearsal dinner.  The ravioli was unexpectedly amazingly wonderful!

Next was a stop at The Big Easy for a second lunch.  The Big Easy's catering company, Belle's Catering, catered our wedding.  I enjoyed a Belle's Apple Salad, the same from our wedding day, for a tasty lunch and to reminisce over the flavors of our wedding day.

The Stockroom, our reception spot, is right beside The Big Easy and we went in...just to remember our big night.  There were many men painting and doing repairs to The Stockroom and we just walked right on in.  We put on our first dance song, God Gave Me You- Blake Shelton, and we danced as if no one was watching!  :)  The men were not phased, so maybe no one was watching.

Our last stop was Bittersweet, a new dessert bar in downtown.  We were too early for their full dessert, coffee and cocktail menu, but we were able to get a carrot cake cupcake and enjoy that!  Delish!

We left downtown and headed to Cary Towne Center to check out a dress at Loft that I really wanted.  They didn't have it, so we continued on to a "surprise" spot.

That spot was Brides and Bouquets, our wedding florist.  Gregg put together the most gorgeous arrangement for me and I was truly surprised!  I didn't think Kevin was getting me flowers this year.  He gets an A+ for these flowers!  They were massive and smelled glorious!

On the way home, we rented two movies.  We got home and watched the first one...then rushed off to dinner at Bonefish Grill, the location of our first date and one of our favs.

When we got home, we watched the second movie...well, I did...Kevin fell asleep on me.  It was PERFECT!

It was such a great day remembering our vows and why we love each other!  Our marriage is officially 2 years old and I can't wait for many, many more!  Life with my man is THE BEST!  Happy Anniversary Kevin!