Thursday, December 21, 2017

S'mores Ball

Christmas is almost here and you may be finding yourself at some holiday parties or wanting to whip up a sweet treat for the season.  One of my new favorites is the S'mores Ball.  It's really simple to make and it's a hit with anyone who's tried it!

16 oz. cream cheese (low fat is fine)
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 cup marshmallow creme
1 3/4 cups of mini chocolate chips
1 3/4 cups of mini marshmallows
1 box of graham crackers

1. Soften the creme cheese (you can leave on the counter for about an hour and that will do it!)

2. In a large bowl combine the 1 cup marshmallow creme, 1 1/4 cups of mini chocolate chips, 1 1/4 cups of mini marshmallows, 1/2 cup powdered sugar and 16 oz. cream cheese.

3. Blend together on low with a mixer. (I put the powdered sugar in first so it doesn't fly away when I'm blending).

4. Put down a sheet of plastic wrap and use a spatula to guide the mixture on this.  Wrap it up to make a tight ball and put in the freezer for about 30 mins-1 hour.

5. Once the ball has firmed up a bit in the freezer, it's time to put on the coating. (1 cup of graham cracker crumbs-small pieces and large chunks are fine, 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips and 1/2 cup mini marshmallows)

6. Roll the ball around in the coating mixture until it's complete covered.

7. Refrigerate the s'mores ball for at least an hour.

8. Serve with the remaining graham crackers or teddy grahams are fun to serve with it too!

Enjoy and Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

External Cephalic Version for Baby B

Now that Baby B is here, I wanted to share some about my pregnancy journey and eventually fill you in on the actual birth.  This post was originally written the week of November 13 when we learned baby wasn't in a great position for a natural birth.

My pregnancy has been awesome!  I've felt great and actually enjoyed being pregnant.  Yes, I've had aches and pains, but I've tried to be active and to continue eating well and it's seemed to work.

We did have a situation right at 35 weeks when at a third trimester group visit, we learned that baby was transverse.  Not breech, which would have been a little worse, but just chilling sideways taking a nap at the top of my uterus right under my ribs with it's head on my left side.

That prompted the midwives to schedule me an External Cephalic Version (ECV) also known as a version.

In the days leading up to the version, I started spinning baby exercises to get the baby to move itself into the proper position.  Each evening, I'd kneel on the couch and lower myself to the floor to hang upside down and breathe in 3 deep breaths before coming upright (repeated 3 times).  I took warm baths, so baby would move head-down and put ice packs on the top of my abdomen to encourage it to go toward the warmth.  I visited my Chiropractor to have the Webster technique performed.  This basically opened my sacrum more to allow the baby room to get head-down.  And I've been having some massage (bodywork) done throughout the entire pregnancy and can massage myself now to make room in my abdomen for baby, so I did that the morning of to make more room for baby to move.

I was nervous the day of the version as we checking into Wake Med Cary with our Doula, Sue, at 8:30am.

I had read up on the procedure and knew that drugs could be involved to relax my uterus (which is terrifying for someone that hasn't taken so much as a Tums or Tylenol in the last 3 years).  I knew that they could try a few times, but if it didn't work, that could lead to a cesarean section and that the success rate of it working was only 58%.  I have an anterior placenta, so I knew this procedure could be dangerous in terms of messing with the placenta.  Or my water could break.  Or the baby's heart rate could drop, which would result in an emergency C-section.

And knowing all of this, Kevin and I packed a hospital bag the night before...(very strange because we're planning on delivering at a birthing center and I hadn't even thought to pack my bag yet).

And so we were there...

And I was told I had to have a port placed on my hand just in case the emergency C-section happened.  First try on my right hand went horribly wrong (nurse was fishing for a vein for awhile and caused my blood pressure to rise and me to get overheated and sweaty).  Kevin even had to sit down for that one.  Second try on my left hand went better, but still hurt.

I was encouraged to get terbutaline (a tocolytic medicine to relax my uterus).  I asked if it was mandatory because I didn't want to be pumped with drugs...also knowing that if the version didn't work, I'd ultimately have an epidural with my unplanned C-section....and so I went ahead and got the terbutaline in hopes that the version would work and we could avoid the other scary things I hadn't let myself dwell on yet.

One of the Wake Med nurses said to imagine it was a deep tissue massage.  The midwife said, "girl, this is going to hurt like a bitch, get all the drugs you can."  So, that was encouraging!

An ultrasound was done and we learned that baby was still chilling sideways, but the head was now on the right side.  It flipped over.  HOW DID IT MOVE LIKE THAT?  And that although I have an anterior placenta, it's off to my right side and wouldn't be in the way of the version.

The terbutaline was administered into my upper left arm and a minute later the doctor was in the room ready to start the version.

With Sue on my right side by my head and Kevin on my left, two nurses on my left, a midwife and a student watching with her at my feet and the doctor on my right, we jumped into it.  I had my eyes closed and concentrated on breathing and kept telling myself I was getting a massage and though it hurt, it would be rude to tell the massage therapist to stop.
It probably took a total of 2 minutes and the doctor pressed HARD!  At one point I thought I'd have to tell him to stop and thought "if I could just have a second pain free, I can keep going".  It felt like his thumb was just piercing through me as it slowly moved across my stomach....and then it was over.
And it worked!  Baby is head down!

I had to stay for another hour to two so they could monitor the baby and check my blood pressure.  I was having some mild contractions, that I couldn't feel, so that was cool to see on the monitor.  At least I know my uterus can contract and hopefully will during birth!  And I was given a belly band to wear at all times over the next week (which turned out to be the remainder of my pregnancy) to hold baby in place so it won't turn.  Hopefully it works!

Kevin told me later that the mood in the room was jubilant as soon as the doctor finished.  I still had my eyes closed because I didn't know it was over.  He also explained how strange it was to see the baby be lifted up and turned.  The doctor's hands were in up to at least his knuckles with the baby raised up and he had to put his knee up on the bed at one point to get more force/control.  Kevin could see it all happening in my body and said how weird it was.

So now we cross our fingers, pray, and wait for baby to drop even further into my pelvis to get ready to be born.

I've heard (via Kim Kardashian) that a version is more painful than childbirth, so I'm feeling like a rockstar and very hopeful that I can rock out labor!  I'm so encouraged that contractions come in waves, because if I can get a break, I can handle the pain!

Side effects of the terbutaline are racing of the heart, nervousness or dizziness, etc.  I don't know that I had any of that...and if I did, I contributed it to not being able to eat past midnight the night before, so I was HUNGRY!  It wasn't a horrible thing even though I was initially against it.

The digging in my right hand to find a vein ultimately hurt worse than the version (in my opinion) and has started bruising nicely.

The renovations done at Wake Med Cary are GREAT!  I would feel comfortable laboring there now.  Although I'm still happy to be at the birth center, it wouldn't be the worst thing.  They have tubs and showers for laboring and the room was really pretty and nicely done!  It helped me relax and didn't smell at all like a hospital!

I fully believe that being active, having massage/bodywork throughout pregnancy, and routinely seeing my chiropractor gave my body a really great shot for a successful version.  Baby did have plenty of room to move!

I'm thankful for midwives who encouraged this and a doctor that did an amazing job.  I've heard other stories of women who have breech and transverse babies and there are doctors who won't even try to flip them.  One story I heard recently, the lady asked for a version and the doctor said, "oh no, it will break the baby's neck, we'll just schedule you for a C-section."  Ugh!  Makes me crazy to hear that! 

So from me to you, if you're ever in need of a version and baby hasn't moved on it's own, they're not that bad!  I'd recommend it if natural birth is part of your plan!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Baby B's Gender

Want to know what it's like to have no idea what the sex of your baby is?  It's awesome!  It may also make it feel not 100% real.  Since I have nothing to compare it to, I'm not for sure on that one.  And I've heard my other first time mama friends say that it's hard to believe they're pregnant even knowing the sex, so...

I've had zero inklings the entire pregnancy.  No dreams, no feelings that it just HAS to be a boy or HAS to be a girl.  So, that's no help!

Kevin and I would like one (or two) of each, but we're really pulling for a boy with this first one.  Which, according to how life goes for me, probably means it's a girl.  If it's healthy, we're thrilled!  (Baby B, if you're a girl, we love you so much...ignore this sentence!)

And there are wives tales...  Oh the wives tales.  So, this post is to list the wives tales and tell you how I fall on all of them, proving that they're inconclusive and the baby will be what God (and those sperm-be they fast or slow) intended it to be.

Carrying high, girl..carrying low, boy.
*not sure how I'm carrying since I've never done this before, but it seems we all carry high and then the baby drops, so both?

Heart rate high +140 beats per minute, girl...lower below 140 beats, boy.
*well the heart rate the first ultrasound was 181, but I'm told ALL first ultrasounds are high.  Since then, it's been 140s, 120s, 150s, 130s girl?  or boarderline?

Craving sweets, girl...craving salty or sour, boy.
*I don't normally have a sweet tooth, but I've wanted all the sweet things this pregnancy, so girl?

Breakouts or skin going wacky, girl (because they steal they're mother's beauty)...clear, boy.
*I've had zero skin imperfections minus a small rash that popped up, so boy?

Morning sickness-sick as a dog, girl...little or no sickness, boy
*I was queasy from week 6 to weeks 13/14, but no throwing up and it was totally manageable.  Boy?

Linea Nigra- the dark line that appears on your stomach.  If it continues above the belly button, boy...below the belly button girl.
*I don't have this, so inconclusive.

Feel of skin- dry, boy...smooth, girl.
*My skin has always been dry because of my thyroid not functioning, but it's not been overly dry.  Inconclusive.

Hair- Thick and glossy, boy...dull and limp, girl.  Also if body hair is popping up thick, boy and if normal growth, girl.
*I just had my hair cut for the first time since my first trimester.  I haven't noticed a change, but my stylist said he thought it was thicker (if that's possible with me).  I've noticed it being less wavy and easier to straighten and very soft, but not much different.  So, boy?

Weight- Carrying all the extra weight out in front, boy...gaining weight all over, girl.
*I've been told that from behind you can't tell I'm pregnant, so boy?

Ring trick- take off your ring and string it through a strand of your hair.  Lay down and dangle it over your bump.  If it moves in circles, boy.  If it swings side to side like a pendulum, girl.
*So, I tried this with my wedding band first and it moved in a circle while swinging like a pendulum.  Then I tried it with my engagement ring and it moved in a clear circle, but then started swinging up and down while circling.  Boy, or inconclusive?

Partner's weight gain.  If your partner gains weight, girl...if not, boy.
*I wouldn't say Kevin's gained extra weight.  It's been fair season and he's had to put a pause on boxing because of his travel schedule, but he looks the same to me.  Plus who doesn't want a milkshake when I'm eating one??? And he's the one with the sweet tooth!

Chinese gender chart-
*Look, that thing is complicated.  I have no idea or time to figure it out.

We know it's a baby!

It has been fun these last couple of weeks because random people will ask me what I'm having and when I say I don't know, they tell me what it is.  Most have said boy, but it's funny to hear their reasoning!

Either way, we're excited to find out on it's birthday!  It's coming soon!

Some other facts, if this is scientific...I'm one of two girls.  Kevin is one of two boys.  My dad was one of two boys and my mom had one brother.  Kevin's dad is one of two boys and three girls (5 total) and his mom is one of 9 (5 girls and 4 boys...and she's a twin...and had twin brothers.)

So, what do you think?  Boy or Girl?

Friday, November 17, 2017

Memorial Day in the Mountains

This past Memorial Day Weekend, we took a little getaway to the NC Mountains.  The destination was Boone.  It's been a LONG time since I've been, but it was Kevin's first time!  The weekend was filled with hikes and exploring and meals with friends.  It was fantastic!

We went up Thursday night so we could have all day Friday up there too and that just made the weekend even longer and even better!  We rode up with our buddy Todd and his pup Wrigley.

Friday morning, we got our day started with breakfast at the Sunrise Grill before hitting up Blowing Rock.

We took a little detour to Moses Cone Memorial Park and then went back into Boone to meet other friends and have lunch at Black Cat Burrito before walking around App State.

We eventually made our way to our cabin and unpacked.

We went back into Boone for dinner at Proper (yumm) and then spent some time shopping on W King Street before heading back to the cabin for the evening.

Saturday morning the guys woke up at the crack of dawn and drove to a lookout to watch the sunrise.

They returned and we ate a great breakfast and packed a picnic lunch and headed out for Grandfather Mountain State Park.

We viewed the animals before going up to the mile high swinging bridge.

After our lunch, we went over to Rough Ridge Lookout for another hike and took turns hanging off this crazy rock.

Then it was time for a treat, so we drove into Blowing Rock and spent some time shopping and getting coffee and ice cream.

We had delicious lasagna for dinner at the cabin.

Sunday morning we ate breakfast and headed over to E.B. Jeffress Park for a little waterfall hike.

Then we drove up to Howard's Knob Park to have lunch.

We spent the afternoon in the small town of Todd.

We all went back to the cabin and the girls spent some time hanging by the fire and chatting while the guys went to go play down the street in a creek.

Dinner was tacos.

Monday morning, we had to pack it all up and hit the road back home.  So sad, but great to have a nice weekend with friends exploring a new spot!  I hope we can do it all again next year!

Monday, November 6, 2017


I've traveled to New York City about 4 or 5 times now and feel I have a fairly good idea of must-sees when in The Big Apple.  My first visit was April 2002, just months after 9/11.  The trip was with my high school dance company, so it was very dance focused.  This most recent trip was in April of this year...15 years later.

The main purpose of our most recent trip was to join my friend Tara at the Pancreatic Cancer Walk in Rye, NY.  I helped Tara with the inaugural walk in 2010 and this was the first time I was able to get back, so it was special.  The first walk Tara created in memory of her Mom and had maybe 200 people in attendance.  This year, there were over 2,000 people and growing.  Incredible!
Of course, we made a trip out of it, so I'll combine our experiences this year with past trips to give you the list of NYC highlights!

Top Hot Spots
#1 Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island: When you think about New York City, there are some quintessential/iconic landmarks you picture.  For me, that's the Statue of Liberty.  Lady Liberty stands proudly in New York Harbor beckoning travelers, immigrants, visitors into the city.
If you've never taken the ferry over from Battery Park, this is a MUST do!
I recommend touring the Statue of Liberty and then continuing on to Ellis Island to see what it was like to come to the US as an immigrant from the late 1800s to early 1900s.

#2 Central Park: New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of...unless you're standing in beautiful Central Park and then there is solitude and peace and nature!  Central Park is HUGE!  I've not seen the whole thing, but I recommend dipping in for a taste!  You can always visit the Central Park Zoo or walk the many paths.  Highlights for me are Tavern on the Green (which closed for many years, but seems to be open again), Strawberry Fields-Central Park West between 71st and 74th streets (a tribute to the Beatles, specifically John Lennon, who lived across the street from this section of the park and was murdered walking into his home)
and Bethesda Terrace overlooking the Lake with the Boathouse (which includes the beautiful tunnel that is iconic Central Park).
You could spend hours here.  I've never done it, but a carriage ride through Central Park might offer you the perfect taste of this oasis in the city.

#3 Empire State Building/Top of the Rock: The best way to see New York City, from the top!  I've done the Empire State Building and it is a must-do, but I recently did Top of the Rock and enjoyed it so much more!  The Empire State Building is smaller, so you have less space to walk around up top.  And, of course, there are bars all the way around to keep you enclosed. 
Same with Top of the Rock, but it seemed more spacious and I was able to get some really great pictures!  Any time of day is good, but we went to Top of the Rock at sunset and it was beautiful!

#4 Broadway Shows/Times Square: When in NYC, see a Broadway show!  Yes, you can catch a show in almost any major city, but nothing is as Broadway as Broadway!  My first visit to the city, we saw Cabaret at Studio 54, Chicago at the Shubert Theatre and 42nd Street at Ford Center for Performing Arts.  Since then I've seen Newsical the Musical off Broadway, Cirque Du Soleil-Zarkana at Radio City Music Hall, and Kinky Boots at the Al Hirschfeld Theatre.  The intimacy of these theatres makes the whole experience.  We were in the last row for Kinky Boots and it was still right up in the action! 
Regardless if you can catch a show, you must walk around Times Square.  Yes, we watch it every New Years Eve on TV, but nothing compares to the electricity in the air when you're standing there!  Welcome to New York!

#5 9/11 Memorial and Museum/Financial District: Unfortunately, I never saw the twin towers.  My first visit to NYC was right after 9/11.  We did take time during that trip to go down and pay our respects at the site.
This last trip to New York City, I finally got the chance to visit the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.  It was so emotional!  I highly recommend a Memorial Tour if you go.  Yes, the Memorial part is free and you can walk around and look at all the names, but it was really meaningful to have a guided tour to explain why the Memorial is designed the way it is...why the names are placed the way they are...what the roses mean...and hear stories about the victims.  Even the trees have meaning!
The Museum was overwhelming.  To see it all would take hours, but we gave it our best shot and I'm really glad this was part of our last visit!
After visiting the World Trade Center area, head on down to the Financial District to see the home of the New York Stock Exchange and Charging Bull.

#6 The Metropolitan Museum of Art: For all of you art lovers, this is a gem!  It reminded me a lot of the Louvre and sits on the edge of Central Park, so if you're wanting to hit two birds with one stone, trek on over.  For all of you Gossip Girl lovers...they frequently filmed Blair and Serena on the steps of the Met.  XOXO

Other highlights:
Catch a sporting event.  Of course the Yankees and Mets, but pick up an NBA or NHL game.  I'd love to go to Madison Square Garden one day!
Radio City Music Hall: Home of the Rockettes!  A classic!
Grand Central Terminal: Because it's beautiful and free!
Rockerfeller Center: To shop, ice skate, people watch, attempt to get on tv...

What to eat:
In a city where there are restaurants on literally every corner, it's really hard to comment on this.  I can't say I've had a bad meal in NYC.  You MUST get pizza (with slices as big as your face) because why not?  During our last trip we had a great lunch at George's in the financial district. 
And a fantastic dinner at Wu Liang Ye near Rockerfeller Center.
Again, I loved Tavern on the Green...hopefully the reopening is just a good! 
We ate at the Russian Tea Room, which for a "child" wasn't a cool meal.  They too closed, but I hear they're open again.
Serendipity 3 on E 60th street is the perfect spot for a frozen hot chocolate.

Where to stay:
I've stayed at the New York Marriott Marquis in Times Square...FANTASTIC location and you're in the middle of the hustle and bustle.
Chelsea is a great place to stay!  We stayed at the Four Points by Sheraton and that was awesome!
Our most recent stay was at the Hilton New York Grand Central, which was a good location this time because we needed an early morning train up to Rye, NY for the walk and we were just a few blocks away from Grand Central Station.
And I've stayed with friends.  A hotel in the city is expensive, as is AirBnB, so if you have a friend around, hit them up for sure!

There are so many more things to do in NYC.  You could go 100 times and find something new every time.  It's a city so nice, they named it twice and it never sleeps, so you've got that going for you!  Do yourself a favor and get there if you've never been!